Holiday gifts for the zodiac signs: But make it on a budget. During a pandemic.

I’m going to be real right from the start here. Not being able to spend holidays with family and friend sucks! It’s hard. The country’s economic situation is also worse than it has been in years and the thought of trying to spend money on gifts for friends and family is daunting because, for many of us, just paying the bills and sustaining ourselves is a huge feat.

Many people aren’t even enjoying that privilege and if that is you, I want to acknowledge what a trying situation that is to be in and say I’m sorry if you’re suffering right now. I pray that our infrastructures pivot sooner than later for the economic and ecological well being of communities at large and that you’re met the with support and sustenance that is your birth right.

Whatever your financial/material circumstances are right now—if you’re aspiring to give this season because you want to and you feel well enough to, then this list is for you. And of course, opting out is completely fair and even the best choice in many cases based on financial health, customs, beliefs, rituals, and how much bandwidth you have to offer in organizing your energy around giving.

Use this list to pick a creative, fun, unique, thoughtful, and useful gift that doesn’t pressure you by buying into increasingly high stakes of capitalism and digging yourself further into debt by spending what you can’t afford. Remember, Jupiter and Saturn in earthy, material-conscious Capricorn are conjoined and in a sort of balsamic phase, but are soon conjoining for The Great Conjunction in innovative, intellectually-inclined Aquarius. The spread of the current COVID pandemic has led to much more constriction when it comes to resources, but sales in retail are still reaching all time highs. Nonetheless, as living situations are likely about to change for many (it’s already happened for many others) due to the loss of jobs and lack of income coming in, Jupiter(the planet of growth, expansion, generosity, luck) and Saturn (responsibility, capital, material reality) in Capricorn are reflecting a real need to build a filter or boundary with our resources and approach our spending and money with more care.

That doesn’t mean be greedy. But it does mean learning to be more resourceful and be discerning about what debt you take on. Considering that 75% or more of Americans live without savings (and in debt), there is no better time than now to take an honest, thorough look at what is coming in, what’s going out and decide what is truly worth your time, energy, and sweat when it comes to spending on wants. Please know, this is in no way a shaming message about anyone’s financial habits or literacy. There is a lot I could say about the psychology of marketing, social media, and the distribution of power. I won’t today because that’s not the point of this post and for now I want to get to the point of sharing something fun and (hopefully) inspiring or useful!

Let’s make gifting more personal and more fun. Consider this a starter list to get your juices flowing + use what applies for the people you know!

Ideas listed are based on the given sign and the sign following that sign (the second house from any given sign). The second house is the place we look to for values, possessions, and what a sign likes to spend their resources on. You can use this by applying it to someone’s rising sign or moon sign too! Have fun with it and tag me in your stories if you end up using an idea! I want to see what fun you have with it!


The Ram

Fire sign ruled by Mars—the planet of motivation + movement, fighting + fornicating, separation + winning

Playful, innocent, competitive, high energy, innovative

Ashley Otero