Episode 2: Jupiter in Pisces, the Bardo, + the Cosmology of the Dreamer’s Path

Coming back to the show after a 2.5+ year pause, I’m publishing the first episode back on the Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius which coincides with the Wu Woo Wednesday series that began in the spring of 2021. In Chinese, Wu is translated as a number of words. A few relevant to this series include: Five (wǔ), as in five spirits or elements, shaman (wū), and dance (wǔ), which is also symbolic in the context of the five elements/spirits.

In this series, I talk about the context of healing through Chinese medicine and what it means to be supporting the continuity of humanity and helping people maintain or return to their sense of being human. That’s quite a feat living in today’s sped up and fragmented world, though I hope to offer inspiration and maybe some clarity when you think about health, healing, medicine, humanity, and what you’re doing here. In this episode we’ll lightly explore the symbolic connections between Jupiter’s transit through Pisces, the nature of dreaming, and the cycle of death and rebirth through various poems and thoughts shared by psychologists, teachers, Taoists, yogis, doctors, healers, spiritual culture, and practitioners of wisdom sciences.

Ashley Otero